For all of our token addresses with buy links, please see our How to Buy CZpegs tokens !
Contract: 0x737BC70D07aA6B7f4Ba6d12B45E8CDDBa2446B77
An algorithmically pegged token at a ratio of 1:1 with BOMB. BOMB is also pegged 10,000:1 with Bitcoin.
Contract: 0xa700Ec63f9D3D9A03981CF7F8Eb805c444EDBC21
An algorithmically pegged token at a ratio of 1:1 with EMP. EMP is also pegged 4,000:1 with Ethereum.
Contract: 0xf43fffb83D7C73275c2feaAC15D5670f7D739B50
An algorithmically pegged token at a ratio of 1:1 with BNB.
Contract: 0xa2A3Be47bEb973d48401010742D5E442177d037B
An algorithmically pegged token at a ratio of 1:1 with BUSD.
CZshares - CZpegs Protocol Governance Token
Contract: 0x8169a36EC368882207515D6F509A2E7Fc74203d3
CZshares are one of the ways to measure the value of the CZpegs protocol and shareholder trust in its ability to consistently maintain its pegs. During epoch expansions the protocol mints BOMB and distributes it proportionally to all CZshares holders who have staked their tokens in the Boardroom.
CZshares has a maximum total supply of 89,000 over 2 years, distributed as follows:
Farms Allocation: 73,000 CZshares are allocated for incentivizing liquidity providers in all of our farming pools for 24 months.
Treasury Allocation: 8000 vested linearly over 24 months.
Team Allocation: 7900 vested linearly over 24 months.
Initial mint: 100 CZshares minted upon contract creation for the initial pool.
Contract: 0xF55A5D6b6F8B52CdB17dC98C343058359DDF47f0
The main purpose of BondBOMB is to help incentivize fluctuations in the CZbomb supply during epoch contraction periods. When the TWAP (time-weighted average price) of CZbomb falls below 1:1 BOMB, bonds are issued and can be bought with CZbomb at the current price. Exchanging CZbomb for BondBOMB burns CZbomb tokens, taking them out of circulation (deflation) and helps to get the price back up to peg. These BombBonds can be redeemed for CZbomb when the price is above peg in the future, plus a premium based on how high above peg we currently are. This conversely creates inflation and subsequent sell pressure for CZbomb when it is above peg, helping to push it back toward 1:1 BOMB ratio. The same applies for BondBNB and BondEMP below!
Contract: 0x6Abe96781D81FD68D3c61e2f502151C07ED65D00
Contract: 0x72723F2fcd72E7Ec3df1823A80F3Bb6B7FF167c0
Last updated